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Career Resources

First Day At Work? Here’s Your Success Kit

Many congratulations on your new job! After the grueling job-hunt period, you’ve finally made it to the glorious part of being a working adult. It’s exciting to anticipate how the new work environment will be,...

Interview Tips


How To Write An Effective Cover Letter

The life of a recruiter involves going through dozens of cover letters on a daily basis. What does it take for them to sit back...

Lunch Interview Etiquette

Going to a lunch interview is a tricky experience. You have to present yourself as professional, while still allowing yourself to be somewhat casual. Most...

Personal Branding: How To Market Yourself For Recruiters

Out of the thousands of shoe brands available in the market, what makes your favorite brand stand out? A pair of shoes is merely a...

Here’s what you could do to nail your next job interview

Preparing for an interview is more than just choosing the right outfit and practicing common interview questions- it is also about doing your research on...

Work-Life Balance & How To Achieve It!

The best things in life come to those who plan. Nothing good ever comes easy. It’s no surprise that most hardworking Americans find it difficult to...

Pre-interview anxiety? Follow these 7 tips!

Sweaty palms, a pounding heart and churning insides… soon, your brain can’t even comprehend reading your own resume and before you realise it, your name...

How To Successfully Change Careers

Changing careers can be scary and difficult. In some ways, you may feel like you are throwing away all the hard work you have invested...

New & Surprising Ways To Make Easy Money

We’ve all been there. You’d like to go to the bar with your friends tonight, but you won’t have any more money until payday. You...

Top Tips To Re-skill Yourself In The Workforce Of Today 

The first question to ask is, what do employers really want? The answer is simple. Employers are looking for skills that can augment or develop...

Planning To Work From Home? Here’s All You Need To Know

Working from home has more benefits than meet the eye. Not only does it give you more control over your time but it also helps...

Top tips for finding a job in a different state

Stuck in a mundane job? Need a change? Moving to another state? Relocation can be thrilling and traumatic at the same time, especially when it...

How to Avoid a Bad Interview

We’ve all had bad interviews. You know, the kind where the interviewer asks you a question that you weren’t expecting, and you babble something incoherent....